Friday, April 20, 2018

Review: Cold

Cold Cold by Max Monroe
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Book 2 in the Stone Cold Fox trilogy and I can't say anything beyond: Holy crap on a cracker, that ending! Wow!

"Give me your lips."
"Give me your tongue."
"Give me your pleasure."

Give me. Give me. Give me.
My brain wanted to defy him.
My heart wanted to give him everything.

If I get too into this, I'll be spoilery. And I've promised to not ruin this trilogy for anyone. That being said, you MUST READ STONE before reading Cold or you will be so lost and so confused and then you'll give it a bad rating and that would be sad because this is the PERFECT SECOND BOOK. No joke, there is progression, there is love and hate, there is sex and fighting, and so much more.

Levi and Ivy are, well, they are special. They are special in the way they can't resist each other no matter how hard they try. And after the crazy ending of the first book, you just know they are resisting each other.

It's gonna take some serious convincing to get these two back on speaking terms. Max Monroe finds a way to get them to the exact place they need to be. They know how to mend hearts and break them. They know how to leave us in suspense all while pushing us further into a story, into a town, and into the hearts of our characters.

You will feel things in this book. Those feelings are not limited to happiness, sadness, or anything in between. It's a ride you didn't realize you wanted to take until you are almost finished. And that's the same time you really, really don't want the ride to end.

But it does.

And until Fox releases in May, we'll be sitting in that weird spot between hanging off the edge and actually falling.

View all my reviews

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