Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Review: Us

Us Us by Sarina Bowen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Yep. It's still a 5 star read. I just love these boys. I love this story. This is what it's like when you're in a relationship. These are the hardships--well, I guess they'd be the hardships--that come after you finally settle into your routine with your partner. What I love is that there isn't any miscommunication, lies, or deceit causing problems. The problems are problems any regular couple would experience.
Laundry? Dirty dishes? Cooking dinner? All real life problems.
Getting stupid sick, dealing with the media, and being in a same-sex relationship? Not as normal, but all possible. All of these things could happen.

And that's what makes Wes and Jamie's story so freaking real.

They love each other and would do anything to be together.

This is just another example of that love.

And we can't forget to mention those teammates and the Canning Clan. All fantastic characters who are just as important to this story as our main characters.
I may also love Blake Riley.
He makes me smiley. =)

(review 5/23/2018)
5 Vitamin C Stars

I can't get enough of Jamie and Wes. I fell in love with them in Him and this just cemented their perfect spot on my top ten favorite couple lists.

This is what happens when the newness of a relationship wears off.
Jamie and Wes are trying to figure out their way in this crazy relationship they want more than anything else. And it isn't easy, what with trying to hide their relationship from their peers.

I've realized there is always a moment in a book that solidifies itself as something worth reading--well, there should be, but whatever. There is that moment when I sit back and say 'yes, that's the moment.'
The moment in Him was the first kiss. That first kiss was sheer perfection and ranks in my top five best first kisses ever. That moment in Us was the moment Wes dropped everything to be with Jamie. The moment he placed his lips to Jamie's forehead and then his lips was the moment I won't forget. It's the moment I'll want to replay over and over just to experience it again.

Jamie and Wes may have a few obstacles to overcome, but they have the help of the Canning clan and their new neighbor/Wes's teammate, Blake. Blake is awesomsauce. Buckle up because he'll have you laughing in a nanosecond. And I know he has his own book, but this first meeting is to die for! I love him so much! He's the perfect counter to the seriousness of Wes and Jamie.

So, Wes and Jamie are my go-to couple when I want a story that will make me happy. I know I'll be listening to them at least once a year from now on.

View all my reviews

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