Saturday, January 27, 2018

Review: A Conjuring of Light

A Conjuring of Light A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

VE Schwab owned me with this book. Given the cliffhanger of book two, I knew I needed book three immediately. This is one series that continued to improve as it moved along.

VE Schwab made me cry. She made me cry for Rhy and Kell and Lila. She made me cry for the King and Queen. She made me cry for the Captain. But the thing that surprised me the most, the thing I thought I'd never do after the first book, was that she made me cry for Holland.

VE Schwab painted a London of layers. Red and White and Grey layers. Even a Black layer. She showed us a beautiful White London full of potential and life. She showed us a Grey London full of potential and desire. She showed us a Red London full of pain and loss.

VE Schwab gave me everything in this book. She gave me pain and sadness, laughter and joy, heartache and love. She showed me what it is to do more. She showed me that a King will do everything for his people while sacrificing for those he loves most. She showed me that a Queen can be broken.

Do I wish for the days of dancing with Antari Princes and traveling through worlds? Yes.
Do I wish for the days of sailing on the Night Spire with the Captain? Yes.
But I wouldn't change a thing. I wouldn't change the placement of anything in this series. Absolutely nothing. Because if any of it was change I wouldn't be able to appreciate the perfection of the end.

But I'm secretly hoping she revisits Red London. I'd like to know where our characters are in their lives.

Absolute perfection. If you want a perfect fantasy series, this is the one.

View all my reviews

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