Saturday, February 1, 2020

Review: Otherearth

Otherearth Otherearth by Jason Segel
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

That ending though! OMG!

I seriously had this downloaded and ready to go before I finished Otherworld. I knew this was a book I'd need and I didn't waste any time queuing it up.

That being said I am so freaking in love with this world. Or earth. Or I have no idea. I am just completely consumed, I do know that. I would say it's a world I'd want to visit, but no. No I do not want to live in this virtual reality world where you don't know what's real and what's not.

Seriously. Is it happening? Is it real? What is going on?

I didn't feel like this the entire time, mind you. I think that's important. I was going along, thinking Simon was gonna save Otherworld and come out a winner. But by the time the ending jumped out and attacked me, I wasn't sure which way was up.
I didn't know what was real.
I didn't know what was virtual.

I need book three right now.
I know I can read it, but I really want Jason Segel to read it to me. So, I'm impatiently waiting for Feb 18 when that audio hits my phone.

View all my reviews

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