Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Review: Aurora Rising

Aurora Rising Aurora Rising by Amie Kaufman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was not prepared for this book. I had heard good things. All good things. But I just wasn't sure. I mean, I'm not a fan of sci-fi and I haven't really read a YA book in ages.
Yet here I am, reading another sci-fi book. The third of the year for me. And I think I might be on my third YA book as well.

So, I guess it's safe to say I don't totally hate sci-fi. Which, now that I think of it, was always silly to say because I've never put one down. I just struggled to pick them up.

That's neither here nor there though. I guess you want to know my thoughts on this masterpiece.

I listened to this book. I think I should start there. It's a full audio cast, which means each character is narrated by a different person.
That alone is pretty kick-ass.
The fact that Johnathan McClain and Steve West are two of those narrators is just an added bonus. They're two of my favorites.
Two of my go-to men for books.
And they're both here.

The characters in this book are all different. Each a little quirky, each a little unique, each with a different skill set.
This book is set in a future I will never see, unfortunately.
But this world--this universe--that is created in these pages is wild and beautiful and I loved flying through the stars, flying through the fold, learning a new language, meeting new people and seeing that there are others out there. Similar to us, yet different. Filled with the ability to love and laugh and learn and move just like humans. The ability to cry.
Because we all cried. Including me.

But for all the scientific-ness of this book, there's a magic to it all too. A bright, burning light of that something special that makes a book stand out from the others.

That's Aurora Rising.

The crew.
The ship.
The mission.

I'm on the hunt for a special edition of this book. I'm fairly certain they exist and I need it.
This book will be in my forever collection.

View all my reviews

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