Sunday, August 20, 2017

Review: El Diablo

El Diablo El Diablo by M. Robinson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I think maybe it's just me.
I think I'm the minority who just can't wrap her head around these books.

I don't know why I can't, but they fall flat for me.


Maybe it's the crazy age difference.
Maybe it's the unlikely scenario that keeps her coming back for more.
Maybe it's because El Diablo isn't really a bad guy.
Maybe it's because the life he was born into was shit and that carried over into his personal life.
Maybe it's because I haven't read the Good Ol' Boys series.

I honestly have no idea.
But this is my second attempt at an M. Robinson book and it's the second time I've been less than thrilled at the end of it.

Maybe my expectations are too high?
Maybe I have been led to believe she is the Queen of Angst?

But honestly, I didn't feel angst.
I felt annoyed and angry and annoyed.

Annoyed because it just fell flat.

I will say the twist at the end, the big reveal, that was awesome. For some reason, she caught me off guard with that little (big) revelation. That was well played, M. Robinson. Well played, indeed.

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