Thursday, July 11, 2019

Review: The Lying Hours

The Lying Hours The Lying Hours by Sara Ney
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Vacation is a time for reading and relaxing and traveling. Which is what I've been doing.
I listened to this during my ridiculously long drive and it made the time go by so quickly. I couldn't stop listening. I guess that's not surprising considering I've devoured every single book in this series, but whatever.

This book is another hit. Abe and Skylar are one of those couples you want to see succeed. You need them to realize their mistakes and you need them to get together as soon as possible because they are that great and that deserving of one another.

If you've been following along, you know this is a theme. These books have you cheering from the beginning.
And OMG. Zeke Daniels is in this one. He's in here and he's so freaking perfect and hilarious and he's just all the things.
And his interactions with Abe are some of the best in the book.

Go forth and read. Go forth and find a Douchebag to love.

View all my reviews

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