Thursday, January 24, 2019

Review: The Idea of You

The Idea of You The Idea of You by Robinne Lee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I'm a blubbering mess. I just. Well. Ummm...

I can't see the screen as I type this. I'm. A. Mess.

Beautifully written.


Are we sure this is a debut novel?

I fell in love with Hayes and Solene as they fell in love with each other. It was a beautiful story of two people who probably shouldn't have found one another, but they did. And their story will haunt me for what I imagine will be a long time.


I'm sure there are more words to describe this book. I'm sure others have said it better. I'm sure this review will be just another review lost in the masses, but this is my review and how I feel and I have to put it out there.

I'm in pieces.


Is there a way to do this book justice and not spoil it? I'm not sure. I've tried. My tears are tears of love and joy and happiness and sadness. My tears are full of emotion.
I haven't been this emotionally invested in a book in a long time.
Which probably says more than my review ever could.

Solene and Hayes.

I won't be forgetting you anytime soon.

And if I ever get the chance to see Robinne Lee again, I'm definitely finding a way to meet her (in a totally controlled setting and not like the crazy fangirls in this story) so I can ask her why she would write something, real. So raw. So...everything.

View all my reviews

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