Sunday, April 21, 2019

Review: Fresh Catch

Fresh Catch Fresh Catch by Kate Canterbary
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Fresh Catch is the story of Owen and Cole. This is my first trip to Talbott's Cove and the world Kate Canterbary has created, but I promise you I'm returning soon. I didn't want this story to end!

God, I love those strong men who find love. I love it even more when they find it with each other. Cole and Owen were not a likely couple, but omg! They are just so fantastic.

Cole with his brilliant mind that has him constantly talking or thinking or working.
Owen with his love for the land in which he lives, the respect for nature, the belief that you don't need more than what's around you.

These two come together in one of the hottest scenes I've read.

What better way to find out the guy you're sharing a house with likes men too?!!

Talbott's Cove is it's own person in this book. The town brings these characters to life in little ways. The town and its people is what shapes Owen and his life. They help Cole reclaim himself. The people are fun and quirky. The town is quaint. The love is deep.

Read this one sooner rather than later.

View all my reviews

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