Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Review: Coming Up Roses

Coming Up Roses Coming Up Roses by L.K. Farlow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

There are some books that remind me that I have been a southerner my entire life. Born and raised in the South, I can't help but love these books that use the very sayings that I grew up hearing.

"Believe you me" had to be the one thing said in this book that I just couldn't get enough of. Seem silly? Probably. But when you haven't heard that little phrase in years, it feels a bit nostalgic. It's something my grandmother always said. "Believe you me."

Probably sounds silly if you aren't from the South. But OMG! Let's just say that I found Coming Up Roses to be a soft, southern piece of fresh air. Light romance, heavy hearts, big love. It's all here.

LK Farlow shocked me with her ability to capture the south so perfectly. The ridiculous heat, the sayings, the small town life. It's all here.

Cash Carson. Man, I don't know what it is about this name, but I freaking love it. Cash. Yep, I sense a small tribute to the master, Johnny right here. And if it's not, that's a nod well wasted. Then again, Johnny Cash. Johnny Carson. I'm liking the combo here. But I digress. I'm all over the place in this review. Probably because I just loved hearing and reading Cash Carson throughout the entire book.

Then there's Myla Rose. I can't even think it without my accent coming out. Myla Rose hasn't had the best of luck with men. Or man, I should say. Long time crush, Taylor, is the guy she should have never given the time of day, but did anyway.

And he's left her knocked up and alone because he thinks he's better than her.


Him, not her.

Enter Cash Carson.

His ex is a real treat as well. Sarcasm, in case you missed it. But his ex really did a number on him and he's trying to recover.

Watch these two grow together as they explore their feelings for each other. It's a sweet story of two people afraid to dive back in to the dating pool, but who dive anyway.

Coming Up Roses will leave you with a smile.

View all my reviews

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