Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Review: A Gathering of Shadows

A Gathering of Shadows A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My first FIVE STAR book of 2018. I'd say I'm starting this year off with a bang.

Holy cow! Where do I start? Can I start? I honestly can't do this book justice with a review. I'm speechless, shocked. I'm in love and I'm in pain. I want to live in Kell's Red London, I want to visit Lila's Grey London. I want to witness the change of the dead White London.

I want to join the crew of the Night Spire and learn magic from Alucard Emery in the confines of his cabin. I want to hone a craft that the people from my world believe to be dead. I want to shock the crowds of the Element Games. I want to wow my prince, my priest, and my heart. I want to fall into a world that doesn't know me, yet welcomes me because it doesn't know better.

I want to dance, hand in hand, with the Antari Prince. I want to hide in the shadows and I want to travel the worlds. I want my life to be entwined with others, even as I try my best to remain alone.

Can I say anything that hasn't been said? I know there is an uproar from readers because this ends with a massive cliffhanger, but why?! Why get upset when you *know* you're going to get more. More Kell and Rhy, more Lila and Alucard. More Red London, Grey London, and White London.

I, for one, love a good cliffhanger. AND oh my god, this is one hell of a cliffhanger. I'm downloading A Conjuring of Light right now. I canNOT wait to see what happens.

View all my reviews

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